Mrs Henderson Presents is a 2005 British movie directed by Stephen Frears. The film follows the story of a wealthy widow, Laura Henderson (played by Judi Dench), who purchases the Windmill Theatre in London as a post-widowhood hobby. With the help of a talented theater manager, Vivian Van Damm (played by Bob Hoskins), she starts an innovative continuous variety review that features a mix of musical performances, comedy, and dance.

However, the Windmill Theatre's popularity starts to wane, and they begin to lose money. Mrs Henderson suggests they add female nudity similar to the Moulin Rouge in Paris to attract more customers. Initially, Vivian is hesitant, but Mrs. Henderson is persistent, and they eventually agree to try it out.

The addition of nude female performers causes huge controversy, with authorities threatening to shut the theater down. But Mrs. Henderson fights back against the censorship and rallies public support for the Windmill. As a result, the theater becomes a huge success, drawing audiences from all over London and even royalty.

The film explores the themes of censorship, freedom of expression, and the role of theater in British society. It also delves into the relationship between Mrs. Henderson and Vivian Van Damm, which starts off as a professional partnership but becomes more personal over time.

Overall, Mrs Henderson Presents is a charming and whimsical film that showcases Judi Dench's talent as an actress and Bob Hoskins' ability to play complex characters. The movie received critical acclaim and was nominated for several awards, including the Academy Award for Best Actress for Judi Dench.

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