Craig is a curious and imaginative young boy who lives in a small town in America. Despite being from humble beginnings, he is intrigued by the eccentric and reclusive Mr. Harrigan, a wealthy and mysterious billionaire who lives in the grand house on the hill overlooking the town.

Despite being warned to stay away from the house, Craig takes an opportunity to befriend Mr. Harrigan when he needs help carrying his groceries. The two quickly bond over a shared love of books, and Mr. Harrigan introduces Craig to his impressive library.

Craig becomes fascinated with Mr. Harrigan's iPhone, and the older man indulges him by letting him use it to play games and explore the internet. When Mr. Harrigan passes away, Craig is surprised and saddened by his friend's death, but is also inspired by his legacy.

As a final surprise, Mr. Harrigan has instructed that his iPhone be buried with him. Craig attends the funeral and watches as the iPhone is placed in the coffin. However, when Craig returns to his room that night, he discovers that he can still communicate with Mr. Harrigan through the iPhone.

At first, Craig believes he is simply imagining things, but as he continues to talk to Mr. Harrigan, he realizes that his friend is really communicating with him from beyond the grave. Mr. Harrigan guides Craig through a series of challenges and adventures, teaching him valuable life lessons along the way.

Through his interactions with Mr. Harrigan, Craig is able to gain a deeper understanding of himself and the world around him. He learns to appreciate the small things in life and cherishes the time he spent with his friend. The movie ultimately ends with Craig coming to terms with Mr. Harrigan's passing, but still connected to him in a meaningful way through their shared experiences.

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