The movie Mr. Deeds Goes to Town is a 1936 romantic comedy directed by Frank Capra and starring Gary Cooper and Jean Arthur. The story follows the life of Longfellow Deeds, a kind and simple man who lives in a small town called Mandrake Falls. One day, Longfellow receives a message that his uncle has passed away and left him a fortune worth $20 million.

Longfellow is suddenly thrust into the limelight and becomes the target of greedy opportunists who try to take advantage of his naivete. When he travels to New York City to collect his inheritance, he is quickly surrounded by lawyers, reporters, and thrill-seekers who want to exploit him.

Despite their attempts to deceive him, Longfellow remains true to his small-town values and begins to win the hearts of those around him. He uses his wealth to help those in need, including a struggling farmer and a group of unemployed men. He also begins to fall for Babe Bennett, a cynical and sarcastic reporter who initially tried to exploit him but eventually falls for his charm.

As Longfellow becomes more involved in the issues facing the city, he finds himself in conflict with many of the people who had once tried to take advantage of him. In the end, he decides to donate his fortune to the people of Mandrake Falls and return home, much to the disappointment of Babe, who realizes that she loves him.

The movie was a critical and commercial success and is considered one of Capra's finest works. It was nominated for four Academy Awards, including Best Picture, and won for Best Director. Its themes of honesty, integrity, and small-town values continue to resonate with audiences today.

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