Moxie is a coming-of-age comedy-drama film directed by Amy Poehler, which follows 16-year-old Vivian (Hadley Robinson), who lives a pretty sheltered life until she finds inspiration in the form of her mother's rebellious past as a Riot Grrrl movement member during the 1990s. When a new girl, Lucy (Alycia Pascual-Peña), joins her school, Vivian discovers a fearless friend who is not afraid to confront the patriarchal system in place at their school.

Together, Vivian and Lucy decide to start a zine called "Moxie" to call attention to the rampant sexism and harassment being dealt to girls at their school. The anonymous publication catches on, inspiring other girls to speak up and make changes at their school. As the movement gains momentum, Vivian becomes more daring and confident, standing up not just to the bullies in her school, but also to her own internal doubts and insecurities.

The film, which is based on a 2015 novel of the same name by Jennifer Mathieu, explores themes of female empowerment, self-discovery, and activism. It also features an all-star cast including Poehler, who plays Vivian's mother, as well as Marcia Gay Harden, Clark Gregg, Nico Hiraga, and Sydney Park.

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