The movie Moving On revolves around two old friends, Janice and Susan, who reconnect at the funeral of their mutual friend, Linda. At the funeral, they discover that Linda's widower, Tom, is the same man who wronged all three of them decades ago.

Janice, Susan, and Linda were all part of a group of friends in college, and Tom was their friend and confidante. However, Tom betrayed their trust and caused them all harm in some way. The details of his wrongdoing are gradually revealed throughout the movie.

Reunited at the funeral, Janice and Susan hatch a plan to exact revenge on Tom for his past transgressions. They recruit Linda's son, Jack, to help them carry out the plan. Together, they devise a series of pranks and stunts designed to embarrass and humiliate Tom.

As they carry out their revenge, Janice and Susan also reflect on their own lives and the choices they have made. Both women have been through significant personal struggles and setbacks, and their friendship gives them the strength to move forward and face their challenges with renewed hope and determination.

Moving On is a funny and poignant movie about friendship, forgiveness, and the power of coming together to overcome adversity.

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