Mother Night is a 1996 American drama film, based on the novel of the same name by Kurt Vonnegut. The film tells the story of Howard W. Campbell Jr., an American playwright and actor who becomes an unwitting spy for the Nazis during World War II. Campbell is recruited by the American government to work undercover in Germany, but he is ultimately captured and forced to work for the Nazi propaganda ministry.

As a Nazi propagandist, Campbell broadcasts anti-American messages to the Allied forces, including coded messages for the German intelligence service. However, as the war comes to an end and Campbell is taken into custody by the Allies, he must confront the consequences of his actions and come to terms with the true nature of his identity.

The film explores themes of guilt, identity, and moral responsibility, as Campbell struggles to understand the consequences of his actions and the role that he played in the war. The cast includes Nick Nolte as Campbell, Sheryl Lee as his wife Helga, and Alan Arkin as his contact in the American government.

Mother Night was directed by Keith Gordon and received mixed reviews from critics upon its release. However, it has since gained a cult following and is considered by many to be a thought-provoking and powerful adaptation of Vonnegut's novel.

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