Mother, May I Sleep with Danger? is a made-for-TV thriller film that premiered on Lifetime in June 2016. The film stars James Franco, who also serves as executive producer, and Tori Spelling.

The story follows Leah, a theater major who falls in love with a mysterious young woman named Pearl. Despite her mother Julie's reservations about Pearl, Leah continues to see her and even brings her home to meet the family. However, it soon becomes clear that Pearl is not what she seems and may be dangerous. Julie begins to investigate Pearl's past and discovers that she is actually a vampire.

As Leah becomes more entangled with Pearl, Julie becomes increasingly worried for her daughter's safety. She seeks help from a group of vampire hunters, and together they devise a plan to save Leah from Pearl's clutches.

The film explores the themes of love, trust, and the lengths a mother will go to protect her child. It also puts a unique twist on the classic vampire genre, incorporating elements of suspense and mystery to keep the audience on the edge of their seats.

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