Motel Hell is a 1980 horror-comedy film directed by Kevin Connor. The film follows farmer Vincent Smith, who with the help of his sister, Ida, runs a popular motel and meat business. Unbeknownst to his customers, Vincent has been kidnapping people, burying them up to their necks in his garden, and force-feeding them a special meat mixture to fatten them up for his roadside stand. The meat mixture is made of human flesh and other meats, and is sold as Farmer Vincent's famous "smoked meats".

However, things begin to unravel when Vincent falls in love with one of his victims, Terry, a young woman who was riding her motorcycle cross-country when she was knocked unconscious by Vincent's trap. Vincent is torn between his affection for Terry and his commitment to his grisly business.

Meanwhile, Terry's boyfriend, a musician named Bruce, becomes suspicious and begins to investigate the strange goings-on at the motel. With the help of a young girl named Debbie, Bruce discovers Vincent's secret and must confront the farmer and his crazed sister.

Motel Hell is known for its mixture of horror and comedy, as well as its satirical take on the slasher genre. The film features a memorable tagline, "It takes all kinds of critters to make Farmer Vincent's fritters", and includes several gruesome scenes involving people being buried alive and slaughtered for their meat. Despite its graphic content, the film has become a cult classic and is often cited as a precursor to later horror-comedy films such as The Evil Dead and Shaun of the Dead.

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