Mosley is a animated movie that was released in 2019. It is set in a world where animals have evolved into human-like creatures, with some resembling elephants, wolves, and zebras. Mosley, the main character, is a gentle and hardworking thoriphant, who is part of a community that has been enslaved by the Uprights, human-like creatures, who use the thoriphants' special abilities to power their city.

Despite being warned against defying the Uprights, Mosley becomes despondent with his life and unhappy with the way his society is being treated. He embarks on a journey to find the fabled city of Uprights, hoping to discover the truth about his people's enslavement and liberate them. Along the way, he meets a young girl named Bera and a wolf thori named Rue, who join him on his quest.

As they journey through dangerous terrain, they encounter all manner of obstacles, from harsh weather conditions to treacherous terrain and hostile creatures. Through it all, Mosley remains resolute in his determination to find the fabled city of Uprights and learn the truth about his people's enslavement.

The journey is not easy, and the group faces many setbacks. However, they eventually arrive at the city and discovers the startling truth about their society's origins. Mosley and his companions are brave enough to confront the Uprights and demand an end to their enslavement. Ultimately, their quest for justice leads to a new way of life for the thoriphants and an opportunity for harmonious cohabitation between all animal species.

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