Mortuary is a horror movie released in 2005, directed by Tobe Hooper. The story follows the Doyle family, who move to a small Californian town to start a new life and run a long-abandoned funeral home. The patriarch of the family, 40-year-old Leslie Doyle (Dan Byrd), is weary about returning to the funeral home where his father used to work, but the family needs to make a living.

However, strange occurrences begin to happen around the funeral home, and it soon becomes apparent that the property is situated on haunted ground. As the family begins to experience terrifying visions and encounters with the supernatural, the townspeople become progressively more hostile towards them. The townspeople believe that the Doyle family is desecrating the burial grounds and causing spirits to be released from their graves.

The Doyle family's teenage daughter, Heather (Alexandra Adi), begins to investigate the history of the funeral home and the town's dark past. As she uncovers more information, the family realizes that their presence in the town is not a coincidence. Leslie and his family have to fight for their lives as they try to escape the town and break the curse that has been haunting it for centuries.

As the family tries to leave the town, the spirits go on a rampage and the family faces many frightening incidents. Ultimately, they have to defeat the evil spirits that have been haunting the town for years. The movie ends on a haunting note, leaving the audience wondering what happened to the Doyle family and if the town is finally rid of evil spirits.

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