Moonrise is a heartwarming drama film that follows the story of Will Brown, a successful country singer who loses his wife in a tragic accident. After the devastating loss of his wife, Will is consumed by grief and turns to alcohol and drugs to numb the pain. His career begins to suffer, and he becomes distant from his young daughter, Lily.

Out of desperation, Will's sister-in-law convinces him to take Lily to a horse ranch run by a skilled trainer named Jess. Jess recognizes Will's pain and slowly begins to help him open up by teaching him how to connect with a horse named Moonrise. Through his interactions with the horse and Jess, Will begins to heal and rediscover his love for music and his daughter.

As the training progresses, Will finds himself drawn to Jess and her passion for horses. Despite his initial resistance, a strong bond develops between them, and Will learns valuable lessons about forgiveness, acceptance, and the power of grace. With the help of Jess and Moonrise, Will begins to regain his confidence and prepares to make a comeback in the music industry.

Moonrise is a heartwarming tale of love, loss, and redemption that will leave viewers moved and inspired to live life to the fullest.

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