'Moonlight Mile' is a drama film released in 2002, written and directed by Brad Silberling. The story revolves around a young man named Joe Nast (played by Jake Gyllenhaal), who's mourning the death of his fiancée Diana Floss (played by Caitlin EJ Meyer), who was killed in a tragic accident. However, he's also grieving the loss of her parents Ben (played by Dustin Hoffman) and Jojo (played by Susan Sarandon) who treated him like their own son.

The film delves into the themes of grief, loss, and confusion, as Joe is forced to come to terms with the end of his relationship and decide what he wants from his life. He struggles to deal with his emotions as Diana's family expects him to take on her father's business, which he's not sure he's ready for. Additionally, he begins to develop a deep connection with a young woman named Bertie Knox (played by Ellen Pompeo), who is dealing with her own family issues.

Meanwhile, Joe's relationship with Diana's parents becomes strained as they each deal with the loss of their loved one differently. Ben, who is a successful businessman, tries to bury his pain in work, while Jojo seeks comfort in drugs and alcohol. Through their interactions, the characters learn to see pain and love in different ways, and the choices they ultimately make help them to come to terms with their own losses.

Overall, 'Moonlight Mile' is a touching and emotional portrayal of the journey towards healing from loss and finding the courage to move on with one's life.

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