Monster Run is a Chinese fantasy adventure film that follows the journey of a young woman named Ji Mo who possesses the unique ability to see and communicate with monsters. She works as a supermarket cleaner in her small town and keeps her ability hidden from her colleagues and customers.

However, her life takes a dramatic turn when she encounters a monster in the supermarket where she works and is saved by a mysterious man named Meng. She discovers that Meng is a Monster Hunter and is determined to learn more about her abilities and the monsters in the world.

Together, Ji Mo and Meng embark on a dangerous journey to find her missing father, who was also a Monster Hunter, and discover the dark secrets surrounding their family. Along the way, they encounter various monsters and obstacles that test their courage and strength.

As they delve deeper into their mission, they realize that a powerful force is behind the disappearances of many Monster Hunters, including Ji Mo's father. They must use their skills and knowledge to defeat this evil force and save the world from destruction.

Monster Run is a thrilling adventure that blends action, fantasy, and drama to create an engaging and entertaining journey through a world full of monsters and magic. With stunning visuals, a gripping storyline, and compelling characters, Monster Run is a must-see for fans of the genre.

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