Monster House is a 2006 animated horror-comedy film directed by Gil Kenan. The movie revolves around three friends, DJ, Chowder, and Jenny, who investigate the haunted house across the street. The titular Monster House, as it is called, is not just an ordinary house, but one that is alive and possesses a malevolent spirit.

The trio of friends is initially hesitant to believe that there is something sinister about the house, but when their friend, Nebbercracker, the grumpy old man who lives next door, gets hospitalized, they begin to suspect that the house is responsible. To their horror, they discover that the house is devouring anyone who comes near it.

As the story progresses, DJ, Chowder, and Jenny must work together to stop the house before it is too late, using their wits and ingenuity to outsmart the supernatural force controlling the house. Along the way, they encounter a series of challenges, including overcoming their own fears, navigating a maze of shifting rooms and hallways, and battling various objects and monsters that the house conjures up.

The movie was praised for its stunning animation, engaging characters, and suspenseful storyline. It received numerous award nominations, including an Academy Award nomination for Best Animated Feature. Monster House is a family-friendly horror movie that will appeal to both children and adults who enjoy a good scare.

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