Monochrome: The Chromism

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In the world of Monochrome: The Chromism, society is divided into two groups, the Black and the White. The Black are the ruling class, and the White are the common people. Anyone who is born with color in their skin, hair, or eyes is known as a Hue, and they are considered outcasts by both the Black and the White.

Hues are hunted down and captured, and then traded and sold like currency. They can be used for all sorts of purposes, from entertainment to medical experimentation. The main character of the movie is a Hue named Isaac, who is on the run from the authorities after turning color.

Isaac meets a group of rebels who are fighting against the Black and White system, and together they plan to overthrow the ruling class and bring an end to Chromism. Along the way, Isaac falls in love with a White woman who is sympathetic to his cause, and together they must navigate the dangerous and volatile world they find themselves in.

Monochrome: The Chromism is a thought-provoking science fiction film that explores themes of prejudice, discrimination, and the power of love and unity to overcome injustice.

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