The movie Mollywood revolves around a serial killer who uses the guise of a drug dealer to entice young people into his trap. He offers them their favorite drugs, but once they are under his control, he brutally murders them.

The story takes place in a city where the police are baffled by the increasing number of young people going missing. Detective Jessica Santos, played by Vinodhini Vaidyanathan, takes on the case with great determination. She starts investigating the disappearances and discovers that all the missing people had one thing in common - they were all regular drug users and had recently contacted the same drug dealer.

Jessica finds it challenging to identify the killer, as he is always one step ahead of her. The serial killer, on the other hand, is known for his meticulous planning and carefully executed murders. He is played by the actor Ronny Alexander, who gives a spine-chilling performance.

As the detective and the killer engage in a deadly cat-and-mouse game, the tension builds up, leading to a thrilling climax. The movie Mollywood keeps the audience on the edge of their seats with its well-crafted plot, impressive performances, and stunning visuals.

The film highlights the dangers of drug abuse and the importance of staying vigilant to protect ourselves and our loved ones. It has received critical acclaim for its tight screenplay, captivating storytelling, and exceptional direction. Overall, the movie Mollywood is a must-watch for fans of crime thrillers and anyone looking for an intense cinematic experience.

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