Mobile Suit Gundam Narrative, also known as Gundam NT, is a 2018 anime film set in the Universal Century timeline of the Gundam franchise. It is directed by Shunichi Yoshizawa and produced by Sunrise.

The film is set one year after the events of Gundam Unicorn and follows the story of a group of pilots assigned to retrieve the mysterious Gundam Unicorn 03 Phenex, which has appeared in the Earth Sphere after being missing for two years. The Phenex is a highly advanced mobile suit with a golden phoenix motif and is equipped with a powerful psycho-frame, making it a valuable target for several factions.

The main protagonist of the film is Jona Basta, a young member of the Earth Federation's special forces unit known as the Phenex Team. He pilots the RX-0 Unicorn Gundam 03 Phenex and is aided by his teammates Michele Luio and Rita Bernal. The trio must navigate through various conflicts and rivalries between different factions, including the remnants of Neo Zeon and a group of rogue Newtypes known as the Phenomenon.

As the story progresses, the truth behind the disappearance of the Phenex and its connection to the Laplace Incident is gradually revealed. The film also explores the themes of identity, trauma, and the impact of war on individuals and society.

Mobile Suit Gundam Narrative features impressive animation and action sequences, as well as a memorable soundtrack composed by Hiroyuki Sawano. It has been praised by fans and critics alike for its engaging story and characters, as well as its respectful treatment of the Gundam franchise's legacy.

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