Mobile Suit Gundam Hathaway is the third film of the Gundam film series, directed by Shukou Murase and released in 2021. The movie takes place twelve years after the events of the Second Neo Zeon War and the rebellion of Char Aznable. Hathaway Noa is now a member of the Mafty organization, a group of rebels fighting against the Earth Federation government.

Hathaway and his team hijack the new experimental Mobile Suit, RX-105 Xi Gundam, and use it to attack the Federation military. Their first target is a Federation convoy carrying a prototype Mobile Armor, the Penelope. However, during the attack, Hathaway meets a Federation officer named Kenneth Sleg and a mysterious woman named Gigi Andalucia. Hathaway develops a complicated relationship with both of them, as they challenge his beliefs and the path he has chosen.

As Hathaway's actions grow more bold and destructive, the Federation sends in a task force led by Captain Lane Aim to stop him. Meanwhile, Hathaway struggles with his own demons, haunted by his past and his love for Gigi. As the conflict escalates, Hathaway and his comrades must face the consequences of their actions and decide whether their cause is worth the cost.

The film explores themes of love, sacrifice, and the price of revolution, as well as continuing the Gundam franchise's tradition of exploring the horrors and consequences of war.

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