Midnight Movie is a horror film that explores the idea of a cursed movie. The movie within the movie, The Dark Beneath, is a slasher flick that is inspired by the legend of an ancient Egyptian god who could bring people back to life. The movie tells the story of a young woman who is possessed by the god and goes on a killing spree.

Ted Radford, the director and star of The Dark Beneath, becomes obsessed with the movie and starts to believe that it is real. He suffers a mental breakdown and is admitted to a psychiatric ward. Dr. Wayne, his psychiatrist, tries to cure him by showing him the movie, hoping that it will help him confront his fears and recover his sanity.

However, things go horribly wrong when Dr. Wayne leaves for the night and the patients in the ward start to act out the movie. The movie's on-screen murders become real, and the hospital becomes a bloodbath. None of the bodies are recovered, and the movie is believed to be cursed.

Five years later, The Dark Beneath is shown at a local theater as a midnight horror movie. As the movie plays, strange things start to happen, and the audience realizes that they are experiencing the same horrors that befell the hospital years ago. The curse of the movie has returned, and the only way to stop it is to confront the ancient Egyptian god and put an end to the bloodshed once and for all.

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