Midnight Express is a 1978 biographical drama film directed by Alan Parker and based on the true story of Billy Hayes, an American student facing a long prison sentence in Turkey for attempting to smuggle drugs out of the country. The film highlights the harsh conditions Hayes faces in prison, including brutal beatings by guards and fellow inmates, and focuses on his struggles to survive and maintain hope for release.

During the course of the film, Hayes befriends several other prisoners, including a homosexual Englishman named Max and a crazy American named Jimmy. The film explores the psychological toll of imprisonment and the lengths to which Hayes will go to escape or be released. The final act of the film portrays Hayes' desperate attempt to escape from prison, known as the "Midnight Express".

The film received critical acclaim for its portrayal of the Turkish legal system and prison conditions, and for Brad Davis' powerful performance as Billy Hayes. It also sparked controversy for its allegedly negative portrayal of the Turkish people and government. Midnight Express won two Academy Awards, for Best Original Screenplay and Best Music Score, and was nominated for four more, including Best Picture. It remains a powerful and memorable depiction of one man's struggle for survival against overwhelming odds.

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