In the classic Disney animated short, "Mickey and the Beanstalk," Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and Goofy play the role of Jack as they climb a magical beanstalk that leads them to a giant's castle in the clouds. Along the way, they encounter many obstacles, including treacherous terrain, a ravenous giant chicken, and a harp that can put the giant to sleep.

The trio eventually makes it to the giant's castle, which is full of oversized furniture, food, and treasures. They also meet the giant himself, a gluttonous and menacing creature named Willie with a temper to match his size. Willie is especially angered by Mickey and his friends when they try to escape with the golden harp that he wants to keep for himself.

Despite Willie's best efforts, Mickey, Donald, and Goofy manage to outsmart him and make their way safely back to their own home. They use the giant's treasures to help their friends in need and live happily ever after.

"Mickey and the Beanstalk" was released in 1947 as part of the Disney film "Fun and Fancy Free." It remains a beloved classic among Disney fans of all ages, thanks to its memorable characters, imaginative animation, and timeless message of courage and friendship.

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