Mia and the White Lion is a heartwarming drama film that follows Mia, a 10-year-old British girl who moves to South Africa with her family. She finds herself struggling to adapt to her new surroundings until she meets a lion cub named Charlie. Mia and Charlie quickly become inseparable friends, and Mia learns about the beauty of the African wildlife and how to care for her new four-legged friend.

As Mia grows older, her bond with Charlie deepens, and she discovers that Charlie is not just any lion, but a rare and endangered white lion. However, when Mia's father announces his plans to sell Charlie to trophy hunters, Mia decides to risk everything to save her beloved lion. Alongside her friends, Mia embarks on a dangerous journey across the South African wilderness to ensure that Charlie is safe and free.

Mia and the White Lion features stunning visuals of the African savannah and incredible performances from its young lead actress, Daniah De Villiers, and the majestic white lion, Thor. This heartwarming and emotional film is an unforgettable adventure that celebrates the unbreakable bond between animals and humans.

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