Message from Space is a 1978 Japanese science fiction film directed by Kinji Fukasaku. The film is set in the galaxy of Orion, where the Gavanas, a technologically advanced race, have almost destroyed the peaceful planet of Jillucia with their advanced weaponry. The Gavanas are led by Emperor Rockseia XXII, who takes orders from his manipulative mother, Queen Lafresia.

In a last effort to save their planet, the king of Jillucia sends out eight Liabe holy seeds to find eight chosen ones who can save the planet. These seeds are scattered across the galaxy and eventually fall into the hands of General Garuda, Gavana Prince Hans, and five young Terrans - Meia, Kido, Aaron, Papa, and Remy.

Each of the chosen ones has a unique reaction to being selected. General Garuda, who is the leader of the Gavanas' ground forces and has been fighting against Jillucia for years, is initially skeptical of the assignment. However, after some convincing from his comrades, he agrees to take on the task. Gavana Prince Hans, on the other hand, sees this as an opportunity to prove his loyalty to his mother and gain favor with the Emperor.

Meanwhile, the young Terrans all face different challenges as they try to fulfill their task. Meia, a princess, and Aaron, a smuggler, are forced to work together and overcome their initial distrust of each other. Kido, who is a farmer, struggles with leaving his family behind. Papa and Remy, who are friends, have to overcome their insecurities and work together to protect their loved ones.

As the eight chosen ones come together on Jillucia, they must overcome their differences and work together to stop the Gavanas from destroying the planet once and for all. With the help of the magical Liabe holy seeds and their individual skills and strengths, they are able to defeat the Gavanas and restore order to the universe.

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