The movie Message and the Messenger is a drama about the struggles and triumphs of a woman named Jessica Clark who starts a business with little to no resources and no plan. She believes that as long as she pays her tithes and offerings to her church, God will bless her business and make it successful.

However, as time goes on, Jessica's lack of planning and integrity cause her business to struggle and she becomes increasingly desperate for help. Michael Juniors, a successful businessman, sees Jessica's struggles and offers to help her turn her business around.

At first, Jessica is resistant to Michael's help, seeing him as a threat to her faith. However, as she begins to work with him and learns more about his approach to business, she begins to see that there may be a different way to do things.

Through Michael's guidance and wisdom, Jessica begins to understand that faith alone is not enough to make a business successful. She must also have a solid plan, dedication, and integrity in order for it to thrive.

The movie explores themes of faith, entrepreneurship, and the importance of hard work and dedication in achieving success. It showcases the struggles that many small business owners face and offers a message of hope and encouragement for those who may be going through similar challenges.

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