Memory: The Origins of Alien is a documentary film that explores the behind-the-scenes story of the making of Ridley Scott's iconic 1979 science-fiction horror film, Alien. The film delves into the deep roots of the film's story and visuals, tracing them back to ancient Greek and Egyptian mythologies, as well as underground comics and the dark visions of Dan O'Bannon and H.R. Giger.

The documentary sheds light on the collaborative process of making a movie, revealing how the script took shape through discussions between O'Bannon and Scott, and how Giger's unique artwork helped to create the film's eerie and unforgettable creature design. It also explores the themes and symbols of the film, including the concepts of birth, death, and the power of the unknown.

With interviews from academics, writers, and filmmakers, including Scott himself and members of the original cast and crew, Memory: The Origins of Alien offers a comprehensive and fascinating look at the creation of a classic movie, while also illuminating the role of myth and the unconscious in our collective storytelling.

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