The film follows Nick Halloway (played by Chevy Chase), a successful businessman in San Francisco who is involuntarily made invisible after a laboratory accident involving a experimental government spying technique.

Nick initially tries to adjust to his new situation by enjoying the perks of being invisible, such as eavesdropping on conversations and committing various pranks. However, his life takes a turn for the worse when he becomes the target of a ruthless CIA agent named David Jenkins (played by Sam Neill).

Jenkins wants to capture Nick and use him as a weapon for the government, and will stop at nothing to achieve his goal. Nick seeks help from his ex-girlfriend, Alice Monroe (played by Daryl Hannah), and a small group of friends as he tries to evade Jenkins and figure out a way to reverse the invisibility process.

The film is based on the novel of the same name by H.F. Saint and directed by John Carpenter, known for his filmography in horror and sci-fi genres. Despite mixed reviews from audiences and critics, Memoirs of an Invisible Man was generally praised for its visual effects and the performances of both Chase and Neill.

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