Melany Rose is a psychological thriller drama film directed by Javan Garza. The film follows Dr. Sullivan, who is a psychologist struggling with the guilt over the tragic death of one of her patients. She takes on a new assignment at a secret military facility called "The Garden," where her boss Dr. Freeman carries out illegal CIA mind-control experiments inspired by MKUltra.

The facility is located deep in the woods, where inmates with maximum-security clearance are subjected to experiments that involve mind control, behavior modification, and torture. Dr. Sullivan's job at the facility is to help the inmates cope with the psychological trauma caused by the experiments.

As she begins to work at the facility, Dr. Sullivan discovers that the inmates are not just ordinary criminals but also possess extraordinary abilities, including telekinesis and mind reading. She becomes increasingly uneasy about the experiments taking place at the facility and starts to question Dr. Freeman's intentions.

When an experiment goes wrong and chaos erupts at the facility, Dr. Sullivan is forced to confront her own demons and fight to survive. She must use her skills as a psychologist to figure out who to trust and who to fear before it's too late.

Melany Rose stars Dawn Hamil, Steven Marzolf, David Vaughn, and Melanie Lockwood Herman. The film premiered at the Texas Frightmare Film Festival in May 2020 and won the Best Feature Film award.

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