Meeting Evil is a 2012 psychological thriller film directed by Chris Fisher and starring Luke Wilson, Samuel L. Jackson, and Leslie Bibb. The film centers around John (Luke Wilson), a real estate agent who is struggling with financial troubles and a strained marriage. One day, a mysterious stranger named Richie (Samuel L. Jackson) shows up at his doorstep and asks for a ride. Richie's charismatic and unnerving personality fascinates John, but as they drive around town, Richie reveals himself to be a violent killer.

Soon, John finds himself drawn into a dark world of murder and chaos, as Richie takes him on a twisted and dangerous road trip through the city. As the body count rises and their actions become increasingly desperate, John realizes that he must do whatever it takes to protect his family from Richie's deadly influence.

The film is a gritty and intense thriller that follows John's transformation from a passive and disillusioned family man into a brave and decisive hero. Samuel L. Jackson delivers a captivating performance as the charismatic but psychopathic Richie, while Luke Wilson shines as the reluctant but ultimately heroic John. The film's dark, moody atmosphere and tense pacing combine to create a thrilling and unsettling viewing experience.

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