Meet the Mobsters is a crime-comedy film released in 2005. The film follows Johnny Slade, a down-and-out lounge singer who gets hired by a mysterious figure to sing at a new club. However, the catch is that he must sing a new and terrible song each night. Unbeknownst to Slade, every time he sings one of these songs, a new crime is committed.

Slade soon realizes that his songwriter-benefactor is a powerful mob boss who is using his songs to give orders to his crew. As he becomes more involved with the mob, Slade must find a way to get out of the situation before he becomes a target himself.

The film stars John Fiore as the mob boss, and Jason Cerbone as Slade. The supporting cast includes Vincent Pastore, Robert Costanzo, and Tony Darrow, all of whom are known for their roles in various mob-themed films and TV shows.

Meet the Mobsters received mixed reviews upon its release, with some praising its comedic elements and others criticizing its reliance on stereotypical mob movie tropes. However, the film has gained a cult following in the years since its release.

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