Meet Bill is a 2007 comedy-drama film directed by Bernie Goldmann and Melisa Wallack. The film follows the life of Bill (Aaron Eckhart), a successful businessman who seems to have everything that he wants. However, he is deeply unhappy with his life and is stuck in a loveless marriage with his wife Jess (Elizabeth Banks). Things take a turn for the worse when he is set up for a job loss by his boss and his wife is cheating on him with a local news anchor.

In the midst of all this turmoil, Bill meets a young man named "The Kid" (Logan Lerman), a teenage con artist who sees potential in him. The Kid convinces Bill to invest in his scam business and teaches him how to con people. As Bill becomes more involved in The Kid's world, he begins to question his own morals and values.

At the same time, Bill develops a passion for doughnuts and is determined to turn it into a new career. He opens his own doughnut shop with the help of his friend and coworker, Sarge (Holmes Osborne). Through all of these struggles and challenges, Bill learns to take control of his life and find happiness.

The film received mixed reviews from critics but was praised for its performances, especially by Aaron Eckhart and Logan Lerman.

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