
Drama  Italy,Germany,France 

Medea is a Greek tragedy written by Euripides in 431 BC. The play revolves around Medea, a foreign princess and former sorceress who helped her husband Jason get the Golden Fleece from her father, King Aeëtes of Colchis. They fell in love and ran away together, but their happiness is short-lived when Jason decides to divorce Medea and marry another woman, Glauce, the daughter of King Creon of Corinth.

Medea, who has two children with Jason, is devastated by his betrayal and feels that she has no place in Corinth, where she is a foreigner and despised by the locals. She is determined to take revenge on Jason and his new bride, and she does so by using her knowledge of sorcery to kill them both. To carry out her plan, Medea asks Creon to grant her one more day in Corinth, during which she will prepare gifts for Glauce. In reality, Medea has poisoned a robe and a coronet and sends them to Glauce, who puts them on and dies a painful death. When Jason comes to the palace to see what has happened, Medea appears in a chariot drawn by dragons and shows him the corpses of their children, whom she has also killed in her rage. Medea then flies away, leaving Jason alone and broken.

Medea is a complex and tragic character who challenges the stereotypes of women in Greek society. She is a powerful figure who refuses to be silenced or ignored, and who fights back against injustice and oppression. Her actions, however, are controversial and raise questions about the morality of revenge and the limits of human suffering. The play is still relevant today and has been adapted countless times in literature, film, and theater.

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