Meat Me Halfway is a documentary film directed by Brian Kateman, the founder of the Reducetarian Movement. The film explores the growing trend of reducing meat consumption among people who are not necessarily vegetarian or vegan, but rather seeking a more plant-based diet for health, ethical and environmental reasons.

Through interviews with experts, activists, and individuals who have reduced their meat intake, the film examines the challenges, benefits, and potential of a reducetarian lifestyle. The film also touches on the role of the meat industry in our food system, and how reducing meat consumption can have a significant impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promoting sustainability.

The film highlights the struggle many people face when trying to make dietary changes, as well as the isolation and disconnection that can come with being a reducetarian in a culture that values meat-based diets. Overall, Meat Me Halfway offers a balanced and thought-provoking exploration of the reducetarian movement and the challenges people encounter in making dietary changes.

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