Me You Madness is a dark comedy that explores the life of Catherine Black, a successful businesswoman who also happens to be a ruthless serial killer. Her glamorous lifestyle and artistic taste in architecture, fashion, and interior design depict her high status and wealthy lifestyle.

When Tyler, a petty thief, responds to her online roommate ad, Catherine initially sees him as an ideal candidate to satisfy her morbid tendencies. However, after a night of partying and passion, Tyler starts to develop deep feelings for Catherine.

As Catherine tries to balance her love for Tyler and her natural impulses, she realizes that she may not be able to control her natural instincts forever. Meanwhile, Tyler discovers Catherine's dark secrets and must decide whether or not to turn her in to the authorities.

Throughout the film, Catherine's narcissism, cunning, and calculating nature are constantly on display, making her a captivating and complex character. The movie has many humorous moments along with some gory scenes, making it an entertaining watch for fans of dark comedies.

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