Match Point is a 2005 film directed by Woody Allen and starring Jonathan Rhys Meyers, Scarlett Johansson, Emily Mortimer, and Matthew Goode. The film is set in London and revolves around a young tennis instructor named Chris Wilton, who is ambitious and determined to rise above his middle-class roots and enter the world of British High Society.

Chris meets Tom Hewett, a wealthy young man who introduces him to his family and the upper-class lifestyle. Chris falls in love with Tom's sister, Chloe, and the two begin a relationship. However, Chris is also attracted to Nola Rice, Tom's fiancee. Nola is an aspiring actress from the United States who is staying with the Hewetts while she auditions for roles.

As Chris's relationship with Chloe becomes more serious, he must struggle with his growing feelings for Nola. He ultimately embarks on an affair with her, which becomes increasingly risky and dangerous as she becomes more demanding and jealous. When Chloe becomes pregnant, Chris decides to end his relationship with Nola, but she is not willing to let him go.

As the tension between the three of them builds, a tragic event occurs that forces Chris to confront his own moral values and the consequences of his actions.

Match Point is notable for its departure from Allen's typical comedic style and its exploration of darker themes, such as ambition, desire, and morality. The film received critical acclaim and was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay. It is considered one of Allen's most successful and thought-provoking works.

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