Massacre in Dinosaur Valley, also known as Cannibal Ferox 2, is a 1985 Italian action-adventure film directed by Michele Massimo Tarantini. The film follows Michael Sopkiw, who plays a pilot named Kevin Hall, and his companions as they try to survive after their plane crashes in the Amazon jungle.

The group encounters various dangerous obstacles along the way, including a tribe of cannibals who are hunting and killing anything that comes into their territory, as well as a group of slave traders who are capturing the native people and selling them off to the highest bidder.

To make matters worse, the survivors discover that the jungle is home to a vast array of deadly creatures, including poisonous snakes, man-eating crocodiles, and flesh-eating piranhas, which are all determined to make them their next meal.

As they struggle to find a way out of the jungle, Kevin and his companions must fight for their very survival against all manner of deadly enemies in order to make it to safety. With plenty of gore, action, and suspense, this cult classic is a must-see for fans of adventure and horror films alike.

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