Martha Marcy May Marlene is a psychological thriller that follows the story of a young woman, Martha, who has recently escaped from a cult and seeks refuge with her sister, Lucy. Martha's experiences in the cult have left her traumatized and struggling to readjust to normal life. The cult's leader, known alternately as Patrick, and frequently going by the name "Marcy May," is a charismatic and manipulative figure who preyed on Martha's insecurities and vulnerabilities.

As Martha begins to rebuild her life with the help of Lucy and her husband, Ted, she is haunted by vivid flashbacks and unsettling memories of her time in the cult. The film effectively uses non-linear storytelling to show the audience glimpses of Martha's past, as well as her present struggle to regain her sense of self.

The tension in the movie steadily builds as Martha becomes increasingly paranoid, convinced that the cult is still watching her every move and that Patrick is coming to get her. The audience is left wondering whether Martha's fears are justified or if they are the result of her trauma.

Martha Marcy May Marlene is a slow-burning but impactful film, driven by a powerful performance from Elizabeth Olsen as Martha. The movie is a poignant exploration of the after-effects of cult involvement and the difficulty of escaping from its grasp.

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