Mars Needs Moms is a 2011 animated film directed by Simon Wells and based on the book of the same name by Berkeley Breathed. The story follows a young boy named Milo, who has a strained relationship with his mother due to her strict parenting style. After a heated argument, Milo's mom is suddenly abducted by Martians who need her help in raising their own young.

Determined to save his mom, Milo stows away on a spaceship and travels to Mars where he encounters a group of rebel Martians who oppose their leader's authoritarian rule. With their help, Milo embarks on a dangerous mission to rescue his mom and bring her back to Earth.

As Milo navigates the treacherous Martian landscape, he soon realizes the true value of his mom and the sacrifices she makes to ensure his well-being. Meanwhile, Milo's mom finds herself in the middle of a Martian society where love and affection are considered weaknesses, and motherhood is viewed as a mere job duty.

Despite the challenges they face, Milo and his mom eventually reunite and return to Earth where they learn to appreciate each other's unique qualities and forge a stronger bond. Mars Needs Moms is a heartwarming tale of love, family, and the unbreakable bond between a mother and her child.

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