Marmaduke is a 2010 American comedy film based on Brad Anderson's comic strip of the same name. The movie follows the adventures of a Great Dane named Marmaduke, who moves with his family from Kansas to California. Marmaduke has trouble fitting in with the other dogs in the neighborhood, but eventually finds his place when he meets a group of mischievous mutts.

The film is set in the world of dog shows, and Marmaduke's owner Phil Winslow gets a job at a pet food company that sponsors a dog show. The film follows Marmaduke as he navigates the dog show world, dealing with rivalries and divas. He also tries to win the heart of a female Great Dane named Jezebel, who is owned by the boss of the pet food company.

In addition to the live-action human actors, the film features a star-studded voice cast, including Owen Wilson as Marmaduke, George Lopez as his friend Carlos, and Fergie as Jezebel. The film received mixed reviews from critics, with some criticizing the humor as too juvenile, but others praising the film for its heart and positive message about friendship and fitting in.

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