Marionette is a psychological thriller film directed by Elbert van Strien and starring Thekla Reuten, Elijah Wolf, and Sam Hazeldine. The story revolves around a therapist named Marianne (played by Thekla Reuten), who is trying to help a young boy named Manny (played by Elijah Wolf) deal with his troubled past. However, as she delves deeper into Manny's psyche, she begins to experience strange and terrifying visions that make her question her own sanity.

Manny seems to know things about Marianne's past that he shouldn't, and he claims to be able to control her future. As Marianne becomes more and more obsessed with the boy and his abilities, she begins to lose touch with reality and spirals into a dangerous obsession that threatens to destroy her life.

The film uses a clever mix of psychological horror and supernatural elements to create a tense and unsettling atmosphere. The performances by the cast are excellent, with Thekla Reuten giving a particularly strong performance as the increasingly unhinged therapist. The story is full of twists and turns that keep the audience guessing until the very end, and the visuals are both beautiful and eerie, adding to the overall sense of unease.

Marionette is a gripping and haunting film that explores the dangers of obsession and the blurred lines between reality and imagination.

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