Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms is a 2018 Japanese animated film directed by Mari Okada. The story is set in a fantasy world where humans and a long-lived race known as the Iorph coexist peacefully. The Iorph have the ability to weave tales of the past into their fabric, which is highly valued by the humans.

The protagonist Maquia is an Iorph who becomes separated from her people after their village is attacked by a group of humans seeking their power. She stumbles upon a baby boy named Ariel who has also been orphaned by the attack and decides to raise him as her own. As Maquia and Ariel traverse the world together, Maquia becomes increasingly aware of the nature of their relationship as he grows older and she remains the same.

Their encounters with other characters in the film also highlight the beauty and transience of human connections. Maquia is taken in by a village of humans who are not only kind to her but also teach her how to live and love like a human. She also befriends an outgoing and selfless girl named Leilia who helps her care for Ariel.

However, good things do not always last as Maquia must face the reality of her long life and her eventual separation from Ariel. The promised flower blooms, signaling their unavoidable parting and Maquia's acceptance of her own mortality.

Overall, Maquia: When the Promised Flower Blooms tells a poignant story of love, loss, and the fragility of human relationships. The beautiful animation and emotional depth of the characters make for a touching and memorable film.

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