Manderlay is a thought-provoking and controversial political drama film by the Danish director Lars von Trier. The movie stars Bryce Dallas Howard as Grace Margaret Mulligan, as well as Danny Glover, Isaach De Bankolé, and Willem Dafoe. It's the second installment in Lars von Trier's USA - Land of Opportunities trilogy, following the film Dogville (2003).

Manderlay is set in the south of the United States in 1933 during the Great Depression. Grace and her father have left Dogville and come across a cotton plantation called Manderlay. Grace is horrified to discover that slavery is still being practiced on the plantation, even though it was abolished over 70 years ago. She witnesses a slave named Wilhelm being punished for stealing, and she intervenes, determined to put an end to the inhumane practice.

Grace is a strong-willed and idealistic young woman, and she tries to impose her values and beliefs on the community of ex-slaves and their white overseers. She forces the plantation owners to sign a contract freeing the slaves, and she appoints herself as the new overseer of the plantation to help the former slaves. However, she soon realizes that her action has stirred up a hornet's nest, and that the situation is more complex and complicated than she had anticipated.

As the harvesting season approaches, Grace discovers that the former slaves are not as grateful or receptive to her help as she thought they would be. The ex-slaves are resistant to change, and they are afraid of what might happen if they are suddenly given their freedom. Moreover, the white overseers are not willing to cooperate with Grace, and they view her as a meddling outsider.

As Grace continues to try to impose her values on the people of Manderlay, she becomes increasingly frustrated and disillusioned. Moreover, she begins to question the very foundations of her beliefs and her own moral superiority. The film explores themes of race relations, social justice, and the limits of idealism, and it ends on a shocking and unsettling note.

Overall, Manderlay is a challenging and provocative film that challenges its audience to question their own values and assumptions. It's a must-watch for anyone interested in political dramas and social commentary.

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