Mandao of the Dead is a comedy horror movie released in 2018. It follows the story of Jay Mandao, a lazy and struggling musician, who discovers that he has the ability to astral project. When his mysterious neighbor, Fiona, dies on Halloween, he and his nephew-in-law, Jackson, use astral projection to reverse her death and save her from becoming a wandering ghost.

As they explore the astral plane, they come across different supernatural beings and encounter several challenges. While navigating through the spirit world, they also try to solve the mystery behind Fiona's death and the strange occurrences in the neighborhood.

The movie is filled with quirky and humorous characters, including a dim-witted ex-girlfriend, a self-absorbed neighbor, and a bickering ghost couple. Along with the humor, there are also some suspenseful and creepy moments as they face off against evil spirits.

Overall, Mandao of the Dead is a fun and unique horror movie with a fresh take on the concept of astral projection. The film was written, directed, and starred by Scott Dunn and features supporting performances by Marisa Hood, Gina Gomez, and Sean McBride.

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