Man with the Screaming Brain is a 2005 science fiction comedy-horror film written by, directed by, and starring Bruce Campbell. The movie is about a wealthy American businessman named William Cole (played by Campbell) who travels to Bulgaria to establish a casino, but he becomes involved in a series of misadventures that result in him getting killed. Meanwhile, a Russian taxi driver named Yegor (played by Vladimir Kolev) is also killed in a freak accident.

A mad scientist named Dr. Ivan Ivanovich (played by Stacy Keach) decides to bring both of them back to life by transplanting their brains into a single body, hoping to create the perfect human being. However, the two personalities begin to clash, causing chaos and mayhem in their shared body. William's wealthy and sophisticated personality clashes with Yegor's crass and violent temperament, creating a battle for dominance within their shared brain.

As they navigate the streets of Bulgaria, trying to unravel the mystery of their deaths and why they were brought back to life, they encounter a variety of colorful characters, including a group of gypsy thieves, a beautiful and vengeful scientist, and a group of vicious mobsters. Their journey ultimately leads them to the discovery of a sinister plot that threatens the entire city.

Man with the Screaming Brain is a tongue-in-cheek homage to the B-movies of the 1950s and 60s, with over-the-top performances, exaggerated dialogue, and comedic depictions of violence and gore. The film is notable for featuring Campbell in his first directorial effort and for showcasing his trademark blend of humor, horror, and action.

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