Male Hunt

Comedy  France,Italy 

In the movie Male Hunt, the story revolves around three couples who find themselves facing various problems within their marriages.

1. Couple A: Mark and Lisa
Mark and Lisa have been married for several years and have two children. The main issue in their relationship is their lack of communication. Both of them have hectic work schedules, and they seldom find time to sit down and properly talk about their feelings and concerns. As a result, they start drifting apart emotionally and feel a sense of loneliness within their marriage. Throughout the movie, they attempt to reconnect by attending couple's therapy and going on a weekend getaway, but they struggle to find a way to effectively communicate and understand each other.

2. Couple B: John and Sarah
John and Sarah have been married for a shorter period compared to the other couples. They have a passionate and intense relationship, but their main problem stems from John's infidelity. He has been having an affair with his coworker, and although he feels guilty, he can't seem to end the affair completely. Sarah, on the other hand, discovers his betrayal and is devastated. She faces a range of emotions including anger, hurt, and betrayal. The couple tries to work through their issues, seeking therapy and engaging in open conversations to rebuild trust and save their marriage.

3. Couple C: Michael and Karen
Michael and Karen have been married for a long time and have experienced many ups and downs in their relationship. However, one problem that constantly resurfaces is their lack of intimacy. Michael, who works long hours, has become emotionally distant from Karen, leaving her feeling neglected and unappreciated. Meanwhile, Karen struggles with her self-confidence which affects their physical intimacy. The couple embarks on a journey to rediscover their passion and reconnect emotionally. They explore various ways to improve their relationship, attending couples' workshops and seeking advice from friends and family.

As the movie progresses, the three couples navigate through their individual challenges, facing moments of doubt, frustration, and heartache. Each story highlights the complexities and vulnerabilities present within marriages and addresses the need for open communication, trust, and self-reflection to overcome these hurdles. It also showcases the importance of seeking external help and support in order to work through the problems that arise in a marriage.

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