Major Dundee is a 1965 Western film directed by Sam Peckinpah and starring Charlton Heston, Richard Harris, Jim Hutton, and James Coburn. The film takes place in the final months of the American Civil War and follows Union cavalry officer Major Amos Dundee, who leads a group of troops to hunt down an Apache war band led by Sierra Charriba. He is joined by a group of Union soldiers, Confederate prisoners, and some Mexican volunteers.

As they journey deeper into Mexico, Dundee and his men encounter various challenges, including harsh weather conditions, treacherous terrain, and attacks by Mexican bandits. Along the way, Dundee must also contend with the conflicting personalities and agendas of his various subordinates, including his second-in-command, Captain Tyreen, who has a personal vendetta against the Apache leader.

Eventually, Dundee and his men track down the Apache war band and engage them in a bloody battle that results in heavy casualties on both sides. Despite achieving his mission, Dundee is ultimately court-martialed for disobeying orders and losing many of his men in the battle. He is then relieved of his command and sent back to the United States.

Major Dundee was Peckinpah's second film as a director and is known for its gritty portrayal of the American West, as well as its graphic, realistic depictions of violence. The film was not a commercial success upon release but has since gained a cult following and is regarded as a classic of the Western genre.

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