Maigret Sets a Trap is a British crime drama film, based on the novel of the same name by Georges Simenon. The film is set in Paris in the 1950s and follows Inspector Jules Maigret, played by Rowan Atkinson, as he investigates a series of murders of women in Montmartre.

Maigret begins to suspect that the killer is someone who is known to the victims, but the investigation proves to be challenging as the killer does not leave any evidence at the crime scene. Maigret's investigations lead him to a group of suspects, including a former lover of one of the victims, a man with a history of sexual assault, and a wealthy businessman with a gambling problem.

As the murders continue, Maigret realizes that the only way to catch the killer is to set a trap. He arranges for a woman to act as bait and watches as the killer falls into his trap.

The film received positive reviews for Atkinson's performance and the atmosphere of 1950s Paris. Critics praised the film for its slow-burning tension and the attention to detail in the production design. Maigret Sets a Trap was followed by a sequel, Maigret's Dead Man, in 2016.

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