Magic Magic is a psychological thriller film directed by Sebastián Silva. The movie follows Alicia, a young woman from the United States who travels to Chile to visit her cousin Sarah. Alicia is quiet and somewhat introverted, and she struggles to understand the language and cultural differences.

As Sarah is called away on a family emergency, she leaves Alicia with her friends Brink, Agustin, and Barbara. Alicia begins to feel increasingly isolated and anxious, as she struggles to get to know the new people she is with. She starts experiencing vivid nightmares and strange visions, which compound her feelings of paranoia and distress.

Alicia confides in her new friends about her distress, but they seem to dismiss her concerns and continue on with their own plans. Her anxiety and panic escalate, and she becomes more and more unstable as the film progresses.

The performances from the cast are absorbing, and the tension builds steadily throughout the movie. The cinematography adds to the ominous atmosphere, with the beautiful but eerie Chilean landscapes in juxtaposition with Alicia's deteriorating mental state.

As things spiral out of control, it becomes unclear whether Alicia's fears are justified or whether she is suffering from a psychological breakdown. Magic Magic is a gripping exploration of mental health issues and the importance of taking illness seriously, even when one cannot fully understand it.

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