In the movie, Homer is taking Maggie to daycare when he gets distracted by a donut truck and loses sight of her. Maggie then hops into Grogu's hovering pram, which has the ability to jump into hyperspace and travel across the galaxy. They end up in a Star Wars-like universe, filled with familiar characters and vehicles from the franchise, including stormtroopers and TIE fighters.

Maggie's pram is mistaken for an important vessel by the Empire, which sends the TIE fighters to intercept it. However, Maggie proves to be a skilled pilot and manages to outmaneuver the fighters. She even pulls off a daring move where she ejects Grogu's pod and uses it as a decoy to fool the Empire.

Meanwhile, back on Earth, the citizens of Springfield also get caught up in the Star Wars adventure. Marge and Lisa team up with a group of rebels who are fighting against the Empire. They use their knowledge of Star Wars trivia to come up with a plan to help Maggie and Grogu escape the clutches of the Empire.

In the end, Maggie and her pram make it safely back to Springfield, and Homer is reunited with his daughter. The citizens of Springfield celebrate their victory against the Empire, with Maggie being hailed as a hero for her bravery in battle. The movie is filled with references and nods to various moments and characters from the Star Wars franchise, making it a fun watch for fans of all ages.

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