Magdala Rose Movie download HD

The Siege of Montségur: Quest for the Legendary Grail

Action,Adventure,Drama  Australia 

Magdala Rose is a historical fiction film that tells the story of a small group of Cathars who manage to escape from the besieged Castle of Montsegur with a valuable treasure. The group is led by a young woman named Magdala, who is known for her fierce determination and intelligence.

As the siege of Montsegur drags on, Magdala and her companions begin to realize that their only hope of survival is to find a way to escape. But they also know that they cannot leave behind the treasure that their ancestors have guarded for generations, and which many believe to be the Holy Grail.

With the help of a sympathetic guard, Magdala and her group manage to slip out of the castle one night with the treasure in tow. They set out on a perilous journey through the Pyrenees Mountains, pursued by both the crusaders and the agents of the Catholic Church who seek to claim the treasure for themselves.

Along the way, they encounter various challenges and obstacles, from treacherous mountain passes to hostile villagers who fear the power of the treasure. But Magdala remains determined to see their mission through, even as she begins to uncover the true nature of the treasure and its significance to her people.

As the group draws closer to their destination, the tension and suspense mount, as the pursuit closes in and the true nature of the treasure is revealed. Magdala must make a difficult decision about what to do with the treasure, and whether to continue to fight for it or to let it go.

Magdala Rose is a thrilling adventure that explores themes of faith, identity, and sacrifice. It features a talented cast of actors, including Sophie Skelton as Magdala, Jim Caviezel as the sympathetic guard who helps them escape, and Malcolm McDowell as a ruthless agent of the Church who will stop at nothing to obtain the treasure.

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