Made in Italy is a heartwarming drama-comedy movie directed by James D'Arcy. The protagonist is Jack (Liam Neeson), a talented bohemian artist living in London with a strong passion for art and bohemian lifestyle. Jack and his wife had a son named Robert (Micheál Richardson), but their marriage fell apart, and they separated soon after.

Jack's wife passes away suddenly, leaving her property - a house in Tuscany, Italy - to Jack and Robert. Jack and Robert are estranged, and Robert has been living in London with his mother for most of his life and has never been to Italy. Jack sees the inheritance of the house as a chance to reconnect with his son and try to rebuild their relationship.

But neither of them is interested in keeping the house. They decide to renovate it and sell it, and they travel to Italy together to do so. However, the house is rundown and needs a lot of work. The renovation process requires them to work together closely, and as they do, they start to reconnect as father and son.

Throughout their journey, they meet a beautiful Italian woman named Natalia (Valeria Bilello), who helps them with the repairs on the house. They also encounter some comedic and emotional challenges as they try to sell the house and rebuild their relationship.

Made in Italy is a finely crafted, heartwarming tale of a father and son reconnecting over a shared passion for art, while finding closure and healing over past regrets and loss. The stunning backdrop of Tuscany, Italy, and the movie's original score by Alex Belcher add extra charm to the movie. It's a must-watch for anyone who enjoys drama-comedy movies with a beautiful message.

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